In an article entitled "Obamacare-hating voters have been suckered by right-wing spin" posted in the Los Angeles Times, David Horsey, a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, writes about how right-winged people do not know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same. Horsey mocks said "right-winged" people on how they love the Affordable Care Act, but they hate Obamacare. In his article Horsey brings up several examples of said "right-winged" news broadcasts. Horsey is trying to make a point on how dumb Americans are; thus, making his article seem as if Americans have been brainwashed by the "right-winged" people.
Also in his article, Horsey wrote, "All but one of the interviewees expressed dislike for Obamacare and gave a variety of reasons for hating it -- it is socialist, it has holes in it, it forces everyone to buy into it, it is anti-American and, I’m not making this up -- it will lead to gun prohibition. They like the Affordable Care Act, however, because it is, well, affordable." The author, trying to say that the Americans who are against Obamacare are dumb, makes his article seem as if the republicans are providing unreasonable reasons on why the bill should not be passed. In other words, Horsey wants everyone to know that Obamacare/Affordable Care Act is not a bad bill to pass. Horsey mocks all of the "right-winged" people by writing this statement.
When bashing the "right-wings", Horsey stated, "Republicans, Fox News and radio talkmeisters such as Rush Limbaugh have done an expert job demonizing the healthcare plan from the day it was brought before Congress in 2009." Horsey wants all of his readers to know that the republicans are all talking bad about the bill and not wanting it to pass ever since the bill was brought up. The author abliges the idea that republicans do not like this bill and always have not agreed with said bill. Basically, David Horsey makes this statement seem that republicans are the basset hounds of the world and didn't even pay close attention to the bill and that they just did not like it from the start.
The connection I would like to make with this article is my own with my parents and friends. Michael, a young man, is one of my friends and has suffered from a terrible car accident that damaged his back. Hurting for money, Michael cannot afford surgery to fix his back. Even though he has insurance they will not pay for his surgery. Obamacare, wanting to cover everyone, will pay for his surgery. To me that is the only goodness coming from the bill. My parents on the otherhand are business owners and cannot afford to give all of their employees the Obamacare health care. That is the only flaw I have with Obamacare. I do know that there are several flaws with this bill, but that is the only one I can relate to my family at the moment.
In conclusion, David Horsey believes that people who disagree on Obamacare are not so smart and in his article he mocks them. The author sees nothing wrong with the bill and more than likely agrees the bill should pass. Providing his evidence he made the "right-winged" people seem dumb and not knowing of what they are talking about, but in general they actually do know what they are talking about. Why does David Horsey mock these people? What makes him believe that Obamacare/Affordable Care Act is actually a good idea?
Horsey, David. "Obamacare-hating voters have been suckered by right-wing spin." Los Angeles Times. 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.
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